速報APP / 攝影 / Photo Delete App ## App To Delete Phot

Photo Delete App ## App To Delete Phot



檔案大小:4.8 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Photo Delete App  ##  App To Delete Photos And Increase Came(圖1)-速報App

5x faster than deleting from camera roll

Clean up valuable storage memory on your phone by easily deleting pictures from your camera roll with ease. Just swipe left to delete, right to keep. Easy swipe deletion is 5x faster than deleting from camera roll and more fun!

Photo Delete App  ##  App To Delete Photos And Increase Came(圖2)-速報App

+ Access all photos from your camera roll right from the app

+ Swipe left to trash a photo or swipe right to delete it - it's fun & easy

Photo Delete App  ##  App To Delete Photos And Increase Came(圖3)-速報App

+ Free up valuable memory storage space on your phone

+ See how much memory space you save with each picture you delete from your camera roll
